We transform the wild threats into practical resilience


Our Services



Phishing, by definition, is type of social engineering attack, which attempts to obtain sensitive information or resources. It is commonly used by adversaries to bypass technical security controls. It is designed to exploits the most vulnerable asset in the organization, the human factor. Psychological manipulation of people through electronic communication is still one of the most effective attack method and main reason for significant amount of cyber security breaches.


Web application

Digital transformation and IT innovation are booming in the last decade. New business endeavors designed as “Digitally first” are rapidly emerging. Business organizations cannot imagine their operations without WEB presence. The amount of online assets vital for sustainable performance are growing exponentially. Unsupervised, those assets are becoming easy targets for abuse by organized cyber adversaries, causing business interruptions, brand compromise and security breaches. 


Cyber resilience

Digital assets are taking vitalpart of any modern organizations’ operation. Regulations and best practices provide adequate guidance for digital assets’ protection and risks mitigation. Organizations’ maturity evolved to a point that all essential critical controls are already in place. Yet, persistent organized cyber adversaries invest enormous amount of resources and innovative techniques to bypass controls, compromise information systems and disturb supply chains.

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