Cyber Resilience Assessment

Cyber Resilience Assessment

To counter the cyber threats, investments in cyber protection technologies is no longer enough. Resilience is the new goal, which guarantees continuous and predictable business operations. The first step to achieve this goal is to identify all weak IT systems’ points with the same determination and persistence as the cyber criminal does. Regular and smart cyber assessments can provide actionable intelligence and put your organization ahead of the threats, mitigate the enterprise-wide havoc and assure smooth and predictable internal operations.

Cyber Resilience
Assessment Benefits

  • Lower the risk of data breaches that can cause significant business damage.
  • Provides actionable intelligence for effective cyber security risk mitigation measures.
  • Maintain proactive visibility on cyber security posture.​
  • Access to experienced experts who maintain continuous skills improvement.
Cyber Resilience Assessment
Cyber Resilience Assessment
Cyber Resilience Assessment

Service Package Benefits

  • Premium class customer experience
  • Short service delivery cycle​
  • Immediate assets cyber exposure visibility
  • Actionable intelligence for improving security controls​
  • Roadmap for achieving cyber resilience
Cyber Resilience Assessment

Service Package​ Deliverables

  • Executive summary for senior-level management with high priority issues
  • Full technical step by-step transcript that allows you to recreate our findings (videos incl.)
  • Fact-based risk analysis for business impact
  • Tactical recommendations for immediate improvement
  • Strategic recommendations for long-term improvement
Cyber Resilience Assessment

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